The Brutalist (2024)
The Brutalist (2024), follows the escaping post-war Europe, visionary architect László Tóth arrives in America to rebuild his life, his work, and his marriage to his wife Erzsébet after being forced apart during wartime by shifting borders and regimes. On his own in a strange new country, László settles in Pennsylvania, where the wealthy and prominent industrialist Harrison Lee Van Buren recognizes his talent for building. But power and legacy come at a heavy cost.
The Brutalist (2024) – Trailer
- Release date: December 20, 2024
- Starring: Adrien Brody, Felicity Jones, Guy Pearce
- Directing: Brady Corbet
- Genres: Drama
- Runtime: 215 min
- Original title: The Brutalist
- Original film language: English (en)
Production countries: United Kingdom, United States of America
Production companies: Brookstreet Pictures, Kaplan Morrison, Intake Films, Andrew Lauren Productions, Lipsync Productions, Richmond Pictures, Meyohas Studio, Carte Blanche, Pierce Capital Entertainment.